Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We are home!!

We were discharged last night. Gabe is such the fighter that he had to show those Doctors what was up! He is putting down 60ml's of milk every 3 hours with no problem! We have begun to fortify my breast milk with formula for added calories and he seems to be pleasing them all with his weight gain. He is up to 8 lbs and 5 oz. His body is tolerating the shunt well. His oxygen saturations seem to be a little high. They range between 80-90 (75-85 is normal for a heart baby). This means that his veins are expanded slightly and this allows a little more blood flow in/out of his lungs. Normally, you would worry if his body could handle that much blood flow, but the Dr's say that it is handling it well and everything looks good. They took out his feeding tube and we can finally see all of his handsome little face without the interference of tubes or machinery. He smiles so much now- mostly in his sleep but it is so sweet! I wonder what babies dream of? Freedom from tubes is my guess in his case!

So now that we are home, the Dr's appointments begin. Tomorrow we will go see his pediatrician for the first time. I will post an update after we get home.

The cardiologists, dietitians and nurses all gave me strict instructions on Gabe and being home. Fortunately, he only take a quarter of a baby aspirin and a multivitamin a day. I thought he would have to take more medications!

Another issue discussed was Jessie starting school and visitors. They said it would be OK for Jess to begin her preschool year next week but the teachers would have to be very careful with the amount of contact she may have with sick kids. She will have to be meticulous about hand washing and will have to bathe and change clothes when she gets home from school. If she gets sick, we will have to keep them separated at home and pray that neither Jeff nor I get it from her.

Visitation was brought up as well. The Doctors think it best if everyone wait until we get the go ahead for Gabe to be introduced to you all. He cannot get vaccinated for a few weeks and he needs to continue to grow and gain strength for his next surgery- which will come up within a few months. Getting sick would change everything. So, we are quarantined for the time being!

Jeff and I want to thank everyone for your continued support and prayers. We know that you all have had a hand in Gabe's quick recovery from his first surgery. It means so much to us that you all care. The Lord has blessed us incredibly.


  1. Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go Gabe!

  2. So glad Gabe's finally home!!! We're thinking of you all & sending lots of love from Charlotte! Love Stacey, Dave, & Matthew =)

  3. So awesome to hear that he is home....thats AMAZING!!!!
