After that we stopped to see Gabe's nutritionist. He has been having a rough couple of days with his bottle intake. He seems to be having trouble swallowing. He gets choked and becomes very gassy and fussy. I believe it has to do with the volume of the new alimentum formula that I am using to supplement my milk. The nutritionist seems to agree and has lessened the amount of calories he is taking in at each feeding. I am to increase it slowly as tolerated until he is back to where he was prior to his milk allergy reaction. Regardless of this latest hiccup, he still continues grow. He now weighs in at 9 lbs and 6 oz!
And lastly, we went to diagnostics for the hip ultrasound. Thankfully, everything looks good. There is no sign of hip displaysia! I was so relieved! I didn't realize I was holding my breath until after I got the good news. My little guy has been through so much already, I am so happy he caught a break!
He is just too sweet!!!!